The Women’s Ministries of Faith Baptist Church is sponsoring a Ladies’ Retreat October 14 and 15 at Camp Gilead, Polk City, Florida. The theme is “God gives good gifts.” Read more about the retreat and how to register. In this post, learn about two exciting aspects of this upcoming retreat.

Workout Time at Ladies’ Retreat

As women arrive at Camp Gilead, register, and take their stuff to their rooms or cabins, they will have options on how to spend the rest of the afternoon. One of those options is to join Terri Hunter and Kelly Hill in the gym for a workout time. Terri says she has been working out and pursuing fitness since she was a junior in high school,

“where I was first introduced to weightlifting. From there, I learned more about yoga, Pilates, weightlifting, and the different related fields. I really was a guinea pig on myself to find out what are the most efficient ways to get in shape, to be healthy, to live a healthy lifestyle.”

Terri Hunter (pictured above) and Kelly Hill will lead a workout time.

She turned to books, magazines, and athletic friends to learn more about physical fitness. When asked how she, a busy mom of six children, makes time to exercise, Terri says that pursuing fitness has to be a priority.

“For me,” she says, “I feel better—I’m a better wife, I’m a better mother when I feel good. That includes feeling strong and healthy, eating well, controlling what I eat, what I do. I find that you have to plan for it and put it on your schedule. I find that it can’t be at the end of the day unless you have a lot of energy at the end of the day. The earlier you can do it your day, the better. I find it easiest to do it with a buddy. I almost always have an exercise buddy that can help me be accountable. Right now that’s Kelly Hill (and has been for several years). Another thing to make it a priority is to plan on doing a race or some other event.”

Terri ran the Gasparilla, a 15k race. She has six children. During her pregnancies, she gained and lost over 320 pounds! She has successfully lost the weight through determination and hard work. Join her and Kelly Hill in the gym at Camp Gilead for exercise during the Ladies’ Retreat.

Terri says that in a good week, she exercises five or six times a week, but in a bad week, two to three. She says it depends on how crazy everything is but that she does not go a week without exercising unless she is physically ill. “It gives me sanity,” says Terri. In addition to the exercise time in the gym, Terri will take five minutes during three main sessions to talk about physical fitness: the importance of moving, diet, and favorite movements. Be sure to stop by the gym to spend time with Terri and Kelly.

Bread-making Workshop

Does a workshop on making bread sound like something for dedicated housewives and homemaking divas only? Do you think, “Bread-making workshop? Un-uh, no way!” Think again!

Workshop leader Eileen Mincey did not get into bread-making because she loves to cook. She is not a Martha Stewart wannabe. She got into bread-making because it offers her a healthy choice of bread, buns, muffins, and even pizza dough to feed her family. Eileen learned through a CD on nutrition about a woman who had had an aggressive form of breast cancer but was healed after she stopped eating processed flour and white sugar.

“This just clicked inside of me,” says Eileen, “because the Old Testament is always talking about grain and flour and wheat and stuff. So I told my husband that I thought we needed to make our own bread. He agreed, and I bought a mill and ordered wheat. I also got a mixer because I didn’t want to be kneading the bread—because I didn’t want to do this, but it seemed the way to go.”

Eileen learned that within three days, ground wheat loses 90 percent of its nutrients through oxidation.

“So the flour you buy at the store,” points out Eileen, “is not as nutritious as when you buy the wheat whole and grind it yourself and then make the bread right then and there.”

To learn more about this healthful choice, be sure to attend Eileen’s workshop!

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