It is the desire of Faith Baptist Church to assist active members with a monetary gift as they seek to further their education at Christian Colleges and Universities.
New applicants as well as those re-applying must submit an application for the subsequent school year. The Education Committee will review each application and interview the applicant for consideration making its recommendations to the Deacons.
Requirements of the applicant are as follows:
- Active membership and ministry involvement at FBC
- Application and acceptance to a Christian College or University with doctrinal beliefs as those stated in the Church Covenant of Faith Baptist Church
- Full time status and a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be maintained to continue support
- Maintaining a good standing with the institution in which they attend
Applicants must submit the following in order to be considered for scholarships. Applications missing one or more of the following will be considered incomplete and will not be granted scholarships. Please submit to Josh Brown, Business Manger.
- Online Application – Click below to submit.
- Previous Semester’s Grade Report
- Following Semester’s Total Number of Course Hours & Class Schedule
Applicants must reapply each semester. Scholarships will be paid on a semester basis to the school, credited to the students’ account. The total amount of scholarship assistance is limited by the annual budget of FBC for educational assistance. The scholarships are given on a first come basis. It is the desire of Faith Baptist Church to assist not only with financial assistance, but also with our prayers and encouragement as our college students seek God’s will in continuing their education.
The deadline to apply for the fall semester is August 11 and the deadline for the spring semester is December 1.
– The Education Committee