Our Pastor

Pastor David Totman

Pastor David Totman and his wife, Anora and three children, have been missionaries in Africa and Hungary since 2003. The Totmans, members of the church since 1998, were the first missionaries the church sent overseas through its missions program called Faith’s 100. Pastor Totman, who has served as Youth Pastor at Faith Baptist while between missionary destinations, is now serving as our Senior Pastor.

A Note from Pastor Totman: “God’s leading never ceases to amaze us, and we’re excited for this new turn in the journey,” he says. “It is a corner we did not expect or ever imagine happening, but we are returning with a great sense of anticipation and excitement over what God has in store. We have been serving as Faith Baptist members for over two decades, but most of that time has been in long-distance partnership while we have been overseas. We’re excited now to be able to work, in much closer physical proximity, to dear friends, and we’re looking forward to developing new relationships with those who have joined our church since we last left.”

Our Staff

  • Wes Lawrence, Music Pastor
  • Austin Uphoff, Student Pastor
  • Josh Brown, Business Manager
  • JR Foster, Facilities Director
  • Grace Malcolm, Facilities Assistant
  • Stephen Simpson, Faith Baptist Mission Executive Director