As our Capital Campaign comes to a close, consider some of these statistics.
- There were 192 different pledges
- Smallest Pledge = $39.25
- Largest Pledge = $300,000.00
- Average Pledge = $7,132.29
- Over 160 pledges were for $10,000 0r less
- There were 22 pledges of $10,000 or more.
- There were 9 pledges for $25,000 or more.
- The largest one-time cash gift was $125,000.
- Stock in several different companies were donated to fulfill pledges. All stock was sold as soon as it was received and the funds were added to the building fund.
- Property was donated to fulfill one pledge
- Some contributed directly from an IRA through the Pension Protection Act of 2006
- One interesting gift was 40 shares of stock from a company in Ohio. The stock is not publicly traded which made it somewhat complicated to sell. The Lord graciously provided a buyer who paid $400/share adding $16,000 to the capital campaign.
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