“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)
There is within every man and woman a deep longing for satisfaction. No one is born completely satisfied. There is an emptiness in the soul. There is a void that longs to be filled. Men try to fill that void with various pursuits and ‘things.’ Ultimately, they find that nothing brings lasting satisfaction. They echo Solomon, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
The message Jesus preaches is that satisfaction is only found in the righteousness of God. A hunger and thirst for righteousness will result in satisfaction.
This fourth Beatitude marks a culmination of the first four. The one who recognizes the poverty of his spirit, is filled with Godly sorrow over his sin, and responds with a submissive spirit that is yielded to the authority of God, will have an intense hunger and thirst for righteousness. And ultimately, they will be satisfied. They will desire the things of the Lord.
So, the question for you is simple: Are you satisfied? Where do you seek satisfaction?
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