Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Almost a year ago, JR Foster shared this testimony on our blog of how FPU helped him and his family. In light of our upcoming FPU class, I thought I would re-post JR’s testimony. Our next class begins Thursday, Feb. 2nd. Visit our Website for more info.
Before taking the Financial Peace University course, we were servants to many lenders. We were living paycheck to paycheck and going further in debt. We had heard of Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace but thought there was nothing we could take away from the course. After much prayer and consideration, I decided to enroll and my wife agreed to follow whatever guidelines I was taught. At the time we had no idea how God would change our lives. In August 2009, I enrolled into Financial Peace University.
God was definitely in control of this decision because by October, I was unemployed. Despite the loss of my job for 7 months, I had the tools necessary to see my family through and actually pay off debt during this time. Financial Peace has certainly changed my views regarding money and debt. I am thankful that God let me to take this course.
The principles from Financial Peace have helped to set my family on a course of financial peace for now and for the future. I certainly recommend this course; it will change the way you control your money and debt.
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