This past weekend I attended the 2010 Men’s Retreat at Camp Gilead. It began Friday evening and ended Saturday evening after supper. The speaker was Peter Hubbard, Teaching Pastor at North Hills Community Church in Taylors, SC. He brought 3 messages from Matthew 7:1-12. Here are some of my observations from the weekend.
- Camp Gilead knows man food. You can’t go wrong with ribs that have been slow cooked over 3-4 days. Along with the ribs we enjoyed baked potatoes, french fries, hamburgers, bratwursts, baked beans, lasagna, a fresh salad bar, biscuits & sausage gravy, bacon, omelets, etc.
- There is nothing like the sound of men singing.
- Nothing brings out the inner child of a man more than playing dodge ball until midnight.
- Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you be not judged,” is the most well known and the most misunderstood passage in the Bible.
- I need to examine my own life before I examine anyone else’s. Matthew 7:4-5
- God is not abusive! I must recognize that God gives good gifts. Everything that comes from God is good, even if it feels bad. Matthew 7:11
- Judging someone else exposes myself. I must be ready and prepared for that exposing.
- When we pray to God, we should pray believing that God has already answered our prayer.
- I need to read Jerry Sittser’s book When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer
- I need to learn more about James Fraser.
- “True faith glories in the present tense, and does not trouble itself about the future. God’s promises are in the present tense, and are quite secure enough to set our hearts at rest.” ~ James Fraser (1886-1938), missionary to China
Next year, more men from FBC need to attend this men’s retreat!
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