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More Heroes – A Truck Driver, A Brazilian Pioneer Missionary, & A Persecuted Pastor – June’s edition of Headlines continued with our ‘Heroes’ theme by pointing to two excellent articles and one video.
Congratulations to Winter Haven on its Centennial Anniversary (by Stephen Simpson) – Stephen wrote about how Winter Haven has changed over the years.
D-Day Veterans: My Heroes (by Jonita Barram) – Jonita wrote about visiting Normandy and the impact it had on her.
30 Hours on the Amazon River (by Peter Brock) – Pastor Brock shared some pictures and memories from his recent trip to Peru and Chile. There is a picture of an interesting ‘translator.’
VBS 2011 – Gold Rush – See the pictures from our Vacation Bible School.
Cher Ami – WW1 Hero (by Lee Dusing) – Lee wrote about a feathered, yet heroic, hero.
Nicki Simpson – My Wife and My Hero (by Stephen Simpson) – Stephen wrote that the life of his wife “shouts loudly that the unborn child is to be treasured and preserved at all costs.”
Pioneer Missionaries: My Heroes (by Jonita Barram) – Jonita wrote about Pioneer Missionaries – men and women who “blazed the trails of Regular Baptist overseas church planting.”
Not Your Typical Hero (by Lou Gentry) – Lou wrote the following about his hero, Lena O’Neil, “If the Lord had not sent Lena my way, I don’t know how my life would have turned out”.
My Internship with Speaker John Boehner (by Emily Nance) – Emily recently returned from a Washington DC internship with Speaker of the House John Boehner. She wrote about her experiences.
Is Our Church a Safe Place for Hurting People? – Stephen linked to a recent workshop given by Nancy Guthrie where she shared Six Characteristics that Make a Church a Safe Place for Sad People.
What I Learned from John Piper (by Matthew DelValle) – Matthew wrote about being introduced to the ministry of John Piper and the impact that Piper has had on his life.
You’re Never Too Old (by Jonita Barram) – Jonita wrote a heartwarming story about her father, who at the age of 80, decided to go on a short-term mission trip to Santiago, Chile, so that he could fill a need at a Christian school. “You’re never too old to do what God burdens your heart to do.”
Meet the Balsleys (by Jonita Barram) – Jonita sat down with Pastor & Mrs. Allen Balsley, a retired Pastor and members of our church.
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