Here is a look at all the posts that appeared during the month of July.
Happy Independence Day – Listen to some great Independence Day music!
Planned Parenthood’s Plan for My Child – Stephen Simpson wrote about the frustrations of a simple postcard.
Birds of the Bible – Birds of Samuel & Kings – Lee Dusing added another post to her popular ‘Birds of the Bible’ series. As always, her post paired great writing with excellent pictures.
- “A Tribute to America’s Heroes” – On July 3, 2011, we (FBC) honored some of America’s Heroes greatest heroes. Specifically, we featured video of Pastor Osborne honoring these heroes.
- US Army Staff Sergeant Dustin Pantalone
- Firefighter Jim Davis
- Polk County Sheriff’s Deputies Weppelman and Bissett
Mom & Dad – Rod & Judy Nyeholt
The Blessed Fruit of Indirect Teaching – Matthew DelValle continued his “Two Men I Thank God For” series by looking at the lessons he has learned through the ‘indirect teaching’ of RC Sproul & John Piper.
Why Do You Serve In Your Local Church? – Stephen recommended a book that probed the reasons behind why we serve.
Homeschooling, Motherhood, Space Shuttle Atlantis – July’s edition of Headlines pointed to some excellent pictures of the final Space Shuttle mission, some thought-provoking articles on homeschooling, and two excellent articles on Motherhood.
Is Camp Necessary? – This article by Connie Simpson, one of our Faith’s 100 Missionaries, explains why Camp is absolutely necessary because of the lives that are changed at Camp.
- Do You Shop on Amazon? – Stephen shared how your everyday shopping can benefit FBC.
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