David Chandler and Lloyd Van Horn
Yes, I said fathers (plural). I have been lucky enough to have two earthly fathers! My birth father was a Marine during World War 2 and the Korean War. He was also a drill instructor. He believed, ‘Once a Marine, always a Marine.’ We were raised that way. He was very mean to anybody and everybody. But, he taught me how to take care of myself. He died of cancer in 1984.
In 1983, I met Lloyd Van Horn at Clayton Community Church in Georgia. He has been my father since that time. He has been there for me with all my trials and troubles; as well as being there for all the good time.
He is one of only a very few men that I have known that LIVES what he believes. On occasion, when we have stayed with the Van Horns, we always have devotions right after breakfast. Whenever we have had a major decision to make, we ask for his advice and value it.
Lloyd served his country during World War 2 in the US Navy. He has been my example of what a Godly man should be like. He has been a good husband, father, and most of all, a spiritual advisor. We always pray for him during our daily devotions and thank our Lord for our relationship.
I have always coached all kinds of sports, and have had the good fortune of having coached two boys who have gone on to play pro ball. But more than that, there are a few that are serving the Lord in their church.
To God Be the Glory!
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