Thanksgiving is just around the corner and so I thought it appropriate to ask several of our blog authors to share with us what they are thankful for. Today is the first of several articles that will appear throughout the month of November. Be sure to take some time this month to reflect on all that you are thankful for!
10 Things Dave Totman is Thankful For
- The opportunity to work with international students
- The ability to read and the blessing of resources to read
- The opportunity to study the Bible for my job
- Great bosses at every level (Sahel Academy, mission leaders, church leaders)
- The Faith’s 100 missions program – what a blessing to so many!
- Appliances that work well and a vehicle that starts and has AC
- Friends that pray for me and hold me accountable
- Three kids that love God and are full of life
- A beautiful, incredible wife that has stuck with me through 150 months (Nov. 16!!) of a wild journey called marriage
- God’s grace, sovereignty, forgiveness, justice and love – all amazing attributes individually, but combined . . . indescribable!
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